Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coming soon to a mess hall near you ...

The legendary Tim Burton and first-time Oscar-winning director Kate Bigelow team up for their first full-length feature film collaboration: The Corpse Bride in Iraq - a stunning visual experience and a gripping tale of black satin, rifle bouquets, and army fatigues.

The New York Times calls it "Remarkable" and the Washington Post gives it a good, old-fashioned, army salute.

Coming soon to a mess hall near you.

Thanks, Adam, for this fortuitous find.

Friday, March 12, 2010

No, no, no, no, no

Michelle: Yo, B, we's been dancin' for hours. Can I take off my shoes?
Beyoncé: What? No, Michelle. No you canNOT take off yo' shoes. We got a video to shoot.
Kelly: But B, it's like that time we were at that wedding where, by the time we got to da conga-line, the bridesmaids was so spent they just put on they flip-flops ...

Beyoncé: No, no, no, no, no
Kelly: But it's really yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah?
Beyoncé: No, I'm sayin' NO, no, no, no, no

Michelle: But it's really yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah?
Beyoncé: Gurrl, now you just actin' a fool. Dass da same wedding where the bridesmaids was wearin' two-piece tube dresses and holdin' cheap flowers.

Michelle: But my feet hurt.
Beyoncé: Do you WANT to be a superstar or not? (to herself): I swear, one day, imma go solo on these bitches ...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Well, this takes a lot of effort.

Apparently, the newest fad in Save The Date invites is to make an "EPIC Wedding Trailer" - essentially, tell your guests to "save the date" via a (YouTube) video.

This one is (supposedly) the best video to date.

I have to say, this is well done. But, I find it only really picks up around the 2:30 mark - maybe that's because they should have edited about 2 minutes out?

Check it out:

(I know. It's off-centre. But this is as good as I could get it. Don't blame Jeff and Erin.)

What do you think?

Horribly tacky? Yes. Lacking taste? Most definitely. Maybe a little funny? Ummmm...yes.

I have to admit, I found myself laughing more than a couple of times. Maybe I'm losing my edge.