Ladies and Gentlemen...
We are thrilled to be posting a piece by one of our devoted readers - marie!
A couple of months ago, marie won our Comment Competition and was awarded a "Contributing Writer" spot which gave her the opportunity to submit something to WB.
Jealous? We thought so.
So here you have it! Enjoy.
Thanks, marie!
Weddings Are Overrated, True Love Isn’t
by: marie
Why do people get married? For love or money? Technically, I suppose the right answer

would be for love. Actually, in my humble opinion, marriage is a celebration of love, and strictly of love between two people.
Naturally, for the loving couple, the wedding celebration is very, very important. It is the only moment of their relationship in which they have the right to be as romantic as they want without annoying everybody. Even then, well…
Many girls fantasize about their weddings as early as the age of 5. Many women already picked out their engagement ring, wedding dress, bouquet and wedding cake even before they pick out their future husband! So much fun! ...where are the men at?
At this point, you’re probably thinking: “omg that’s me!” or “these women are ridiculous!”
Recently, I watched an episode of Say Yes…to the Dress on TLC. That’s when I realized how annoying women can be when it comes to their wedding planning. The worst part is that they think have the right to be this way because it’s the only day in their life where it can be all about them. I think that women who want their wedding to be all about them usually want everything else to be all about them in the first place and the wedding won’t be an exception. Look, I agree that the wedding should be all about the bride…and well the groom as well I suppose, but there’s no need to be all bitchy about it!
Watching Say Yes…to the Dress got me so angry, you don’t understand. There are all these picky and annoying groups of people who come into Kleinfeld looking for a dress. When asked what style they’re looking for, most women are looking for the “princess look”. They want to be a princess on their wedding day! Of course, can’t blame them, they just want to look their best! I know, I get it! But what I don’t get are women who try so many princess dresses and get pissed off because they look bad in all of them or they don’t like any of them. Check, maybe you’re just not meant to be a princess. No matter how much you try, you will never be Cinderella so why not try another style? Princess dresses are so overdone anyway. And honestly, all the big puffiness is just confusing and pointless. Try something new and more original. But no…they are stubborn and whiny: “I WANNA BE A GODDAMN PRINCESS ON MY WEDDING DAY!”
Another annoying thing about weddings and such is that the mother and the mother-in-law, always have something to say about everything. The bride likes it. The bride’s mother doesn’t like it. The bride’s mother like it, the groom’s mother doesn’t like it. How about you all just STFU and let the bride decide. I’m not in favour of whiny princess wannabes or anything, but it’s true, the wedding is about the bride (and groom) and not about mothers (duh!). They mean well, of course, but they must keep in mind that if they were unhappy about their own wedding 30 years ago, there’s no need to take out the anger on their daughter’s wedding.
The mother and others could express their opinion, obviously, nothing can stop them but they can only be suggestions. Ultimately, the bride will have to decide what to do and she’ll have to deal with the outcome. Come on, it’s not a big decision here. The dress, the cake, the flowers, the invitations and so forth aren’t the most important things about the wedding. They just compliment the union of two happy people, in love. There’s no room for family quarrel. I think a mother who gets into a heated argument over a stupid bridal dress with her daughter, the bride, isn’t there to help but to create unnecessary conflict. Your daughter wants this dress, but you don’t like it. You can tell her what you think and let her think. Also, the bride shouldn’t get defensive about her mother’s opinion because no worries, she won’t make you get anything you don’t want to get.
Some weddings give people headaches. Some try to make everything perfect and go through shit just to get there. Some spend so much time planning the stupidities that nothing turns out right and the food is bad, the guests are angry and the newlyweds get pissed off because they just spent a lot of money on a crappy wedding ceremony. Some rich people plan the wedding of the century, everything from a 50 000$ wedding gown, to gold plated wine glasses, to designer table cloths. Two years later, they get a divorce. For them, the wedding is a banquet, play time, a joke. For some, the wedding ceremony is a way to prove something to themselves to others, kinda like an ego booster. Sometimes, couples break up while planning their wedding because it’s too hard to come to a common solution. (WTF)
To make a long story short, people spend way too much time freaking out about the useless details of the wedding that they tend to forget about the reason that brought them there. If two people truly love each other, it shouldn’t really matter all that much what shade of white the invitation envelops should be in. I’m not saying “don’t get a wedding gown, get married in your pjs”, but I mean, make it fancy, elegant, modest, whatever you want, but most of all, do not exaggerate.