Mrs. Dalloway was not entirely satisfied with the cake she'd ordered. On the one hand, she adored hydrangea, especially when they blossomed in this particular shade of blue. On the other hand, it was true that she'd never consciously pair them with (cliché) white roses as the florist had. Neither would she
ever be caught dead using what looked like artificial versions of her favourite flower as a cake topper, least of all when coupled with genetically warped Morning Glories. And the doilies atop each tier ... oh! Don't get her started on the doilies!

What was more, Mrs. Dalloway was unsure whether this cake was trying too hard to be matchy-matchy with its surrounding bouquets and failing (miserably), or whether the opposite was true: maybe it had hoped the slightly brighter hue of blue on its petals would set it apart from the larger floral arrangements in a still classy and tasteful way. Maybe it had failed in doing
that, too.

She was glad the caterer had talked her into having cupcakes made for the event: everything made more sense this way. Still, as she watched the fancily-clad guests fill into the near-perfectly manicured room, she wondered whether she'd have been better off with pink and purple freesia and last year's baker.
Appalling. Especially if one pre-gamed the reception and mistook fan napkins or other arrangements for nibbles.