So, here are the bridesmaids and their gowns:

I think it's clear that I disagree with this gaudy-that-borders-on-tacky choice. I don't like the jewels on the few girls who are wearing them. I like that the dresses are short and tailored to each maid, but I don't like much else about them.
Still, with the flowers (only poorly showcased here), things could be worse.

But then there was this:

TWO matrons of honour in TWO atrocious attempts at modern-ancient Grecian numbers in a hideously mismatched colour and fabric? TWO floor-length disasters in chiffon? Wow.
And then there was my prom date:

and again:

I decided recently that I deal well with young people (under 10), old people (over 70) and animals (mostly dogs). Everyone in between, I don't really care for. The flower-girl at this reception, though she matched with no one, melted my heart with her dance skills.

Then she'll hide and/or burn them all.
What were they thinking with the fabric, the color, the dresses, the whole thing!!! It's awful!!! The bridal parry matches with the lights used as decor.