Save the date.

Prince William and Kate (they like calling her Catherine now) Middleton are tying the knot in approximately 5 months!
What do we know?
She got Diana's engagement ring. It's going down at Westminster Abbey. April 29th has officially become a public holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and (probably) Scotland.
I find this all quite exciting. I love anything and everything involving the royal family. They clearly live in their own unique world, and you know what? I just can't get enough.
Everyday we learn something new and bizarre about them - strange and dramatic details about their security team, royal "lessons" Kate is obliged to partake in, pre-engagement fertility tests, etc etc. There are even reports suggesting that the Queen thought Kate was too "common" after witnessing her mother chew gum at Prince William's graduation ceremony!
Amazing, non?
I live for this stuff.
For up to date news and (obviously) rumors involving the wedding of the decade, be sure to check out WB! We'll be reporting everything involving The Dress, guest list, wedding party, flowers, entertainment, hats (who's surprised?), scandals (if we're lucky) and more.
I wonder if we could get a live stream going on the 29th?
I can't wait!!!! I love the royal family!! I feel like I personally know Kate and William lol. This wedding journey will be really exciting and I can't wait to read all about it! Way to go wedding bashers ;)