Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I was gonna go get hitched, but then I got high

Barbara: Wow, Greg. We really thought this would be a good idea, didn't we?

Greg: I remember the night we came up with the plan. Your lesson had gone terribly that morning. Your meeting with your supervisor had gone worse, and the only thing waiting for you when you got home was your grant application rejection.

Barbara: We smoked a lot of pot that night.

Greg: You wanted to get married right away. You said it would be smarter to combine our incomes.

Barbara: Wasn't it?

Greg: You said we could have the party in your supervisor's backyard

and get the first years to cater.

And what would look nicer for a fall wedding than your new patterned dress and dark tights?

Barbara: Did we really get Justin to officiate?

Greg: You insisted.

Barbara: But hadn't he JUST defended?

Greg: He read from his dissertation at the ceremony. Don't you remember?

Barbara: Greg, we smoked a lot of pot that night, too.

Greg: Yeah. The cake was too small.

Barbara: Aww! The newbies remembered that I love tomatoes!

1 comment:

  1. OMG where did you find this sad and pathetic wedding. Is she preggers?

    I'm embarrassed for them!!!
