Wednesday, November 17, 2010

(A)+ Size

O.M.G. But for reals.

CW has just released a MONUMENTAL onslaught of ads for its upcoming show, "Shedding for the Wedding."

Shit just got real, y'all.

A spin-off the love child of "The Biggest Loser" and Say Yes to the Dress," this next reality TV sensation has been in the public eye at least since press release back in May, but is only set to hit the small screen mid-season 2011 (exact date TBA).

You DO realise what this means, right?

Inspirational drastic weight loss + fairy tale ending come true = Oh dear Lord, we have a cryer.

Neighbours, grab your kids and get them in their swimsuits: admission to the water-park down your street is free.

Oh yeah. It also means INFINITE material for INFINITE posts ...... mouahahahaha. Thanks, CW.

PS: somebody get Jillian Michaels a husband and some kids and maybe a dog or two. Everybody knows Bob is the better trainer.

1 comment:

  1. another gem surely to provide WB with some material: "Bridalplasty". it's exactly what you think it is - brides + plastic surgery.
    basically, 12 brides will compete weekly (doing what?), with 1 of them going home each week. the last woman standing will get her dream makeover/surgery. look out for it on E!.
    definitely not as "inspirational" or tear-inducing as "Shedding for the Wedding", but good for some ridiculousness i'm sure.
