Loyal reader "Ro" recently came across this set of pictures, and couldn't resist the urge to share it with the rest of the WB community.
I was thinking of the different ways I could possible introduce this post, and for the first time in my life I can honestly say that I am at a loss for words.
Just take a look for yourselves:

and this:

one more:

Ok. Like, WTF??
Besides the obvious (this is both ridiculous and completely unacceptable / are you both insane? / this is taking flip-flop wearing brides to a whole new level / why are you both dressed exactly alike / you look like 12 year old siblings who have to pose for one of those tacky family photos from Sears), I just think that this is a total slap in the face to all your guests.
Your guests who got all dolled up for your damn "special" day. Who got their hair did. Who got their nails did. Who are stuffed in their Spanx. Who are wearing killer footwear. Who are decked in their most uncomfortable suit and tie.
THIS is how you thank them?
By being unable to last in your wedding dress and tux past the ceremony??
Shame on you.
Shame on you both.
I am completely BORED by you.