It can be (and often is) lovely, but it should not be treated as a larger-scale wedding production. Though you would think this simple idea to be common knowledge, many brides end up not getting it or missing the point. This bride knows what she's doing - almost entirely.
I love, for starters, that her mom is proudly sporting a large hat, coordinated to match her equally stunning and refreshingly modern (for mother of the bride) but still age-appropriate gown. I also very much approve of the bride's choice to go both with a feathered headpiece and with a shorter gown. Especially since she is such a *little* person, a simple dress that hits the knee in a cut that blurs the line between straight-up A-line and ballooning skirt is fun, contemporary, and elegant without being done to

I take some issue with other parts of the ensemble, however. I am on the fence about these shoes, for instance. There's "baby doll" and then there's "Mommy is letting me wear high heels for the first time!" I like youthful, don't get me wrong. And these shoes, coupled with a bold-print summer skirt could work rather well. Here, however, and quite contrary to their purpose, they fall flat. Also, and you may have noticed, though I am not opposed to covered shoulders per se, anything that hangs limp this way should be outlawed. Pure and simple. What's with the semi-billowing sleeve? What's with it? Are you going to COMMIT to an eighties bolero or not? If you're going to, please go all the way. If not, scrap. Altogether. Just do it. Ditch it. Peel it off. Come on, now ... I know you want to. There's no shame in it ... just undress ... and while you're at it, lose the ostentatious necklace pretending to be discreet and delicate: it looks like costume jewelry. If you must do beads at all, why not opt for the conventional but always classic single string of pearls or, if you are more daring, why not dispense with the collier altogether in favour of drop earrings? I mean, you're wearing a FEATHERED HEAD-PIECE, for crying out loud. We know there's a rebellious wench in you waiting to be unleashed ... RELEASE IT! Let your chest go naked! It can don ugly accessories tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.
So I suppose I like the dress. And the feathers. The rest could have used some work, but all is well that ends well. Where is your maid of honour when you need her?
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