Uxorem quare locupletem ducere nolim
quaeritis? Uxori nubere nolo meae.
Inferior matrona suo sit, Prisce, marito:
non aliter fiunt femina virque pares.
-Martial 8.12
(You ask why I do not wish to marry a wealthy wife?
I do not wish to marry my wife.
Let a wife be inferior to her husband, Priscus:
otherwise, man and woman will not become equals.)
Quare non habeat, Fabulle, quaeris
uxorem Themison? Habet sororem.
-Martial 12.20
(You ask, Fabullus, why Themison does not have
a wife? He has a sister.)
BONUS: incest
(type the first line of 12.20 into google image search, and the above is what you get. Sérieux.)
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