CCB: you're right. I mean, we've covered it obliquely, but not in-depth. Let's do that now.
celia: sounds good (pulls out stack of bridal magazines and begins flipping through one).
CCB: so, ok, what are we looking for?
celia: The Perfect destination wedding, no?
CCB: ok ... what does that mean?
celia: well, you know, something that represents what a destination wedding should be. Like, aesthetically and thematically functional, tasteful, and even pleasing ...
CCB: ... but ultimately stereotypical.
celia: yes.
CCB: so, cookie cutter?
celia: exactly.
CCB: Ok.
(CCB and celia continue to rifle through this same magazine, until they happen upon something worthwhile).
CCB: I got one.
celia: oooooooh, let's see!

CCB: this is a wedding in Cuba. So, the groom and his groomsmen are in three-piece white suits
celia: and turquoise shirts. And white hats. And shoes. I hate it.
CCB: They're kind of like costumes, but it works, no?
celia: in context, yes.
CCB: and the bridsemaids, to match, are in these two-toned grecian numbers.
celia: ugh ...
CCB: but again, in context, it TOTALLY works! ps: LOVE the parasols.
celia: ditto
CCB: oh wait! Here's a closeup of the bride and groom (they have a look) ... she's stunning.

celia: she is. I love everything about this: from her gown to her hair ... everything. She's glowing.
CCB: she is. Wait. is that a cigar and a glass of scotch the groom is holding?
celia: I think it is. And those are aviator sunglasses, sepia tint.
CCB: wow. This really *is* a good "destination weddings" catalogue. We should write in to let them know.
celia: I think we should.
CCB: I think we just did.
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