This lovely piece was sent to us by faithful WB follower "simplycyn". She heard about this gem on the radio and just couldn't resist.
From the radio host's blog :
"You have to love the video game geeks, especially when it comes to romance, they've got us regular techno-phobs beat by miles or giga-bytes, (which ever you prefer).
Last week a gamer from New York proposed to his girlfriend of five years using the Mario Bros game on the old Super Nintendo console. He managed to edit the game so when she reached a certain level the gold coins that dropped down spelled out the words "Lisa - will you marry me?" How crazy cool is that - and the good news is that Lisa said yes.
You know what, that totally annihilates some guy putting a ring in a girl's dessert dish at the restaurant...we are so over that boys, time to be original like Mr. Video Game dude - that's sexy... "
Apparently, the radio host thinks it's the most romantic proposal she has ever heard.
I mean, is it cute? Yes. Did the boy put in a lot of effort? Probably. But, is it romantic? Hell to the no. Well, maybe if the girl was a hardcore video gamer?
Sorry, Mr. Video Game dude! But this Princess Peach remains a little unimpressed.
It made me sad. It did.