Florida has been having a good (and sometimes bad, but on the whole, acceptable) month. To wit, the third of an unplanned series on The South and the Things it Does Well.
Exhibit C: BM dresses

We LOVE these dresses. We love everything about them: the length, the double (complimentary) fabric, the draping, the originality. In short: they are wedding-appropriate and contemporary without feeling like cocktail dresses.
Some girls went awry with footwear and accessories. Black shoes? Really? A choker or chunky silver necklace dangling a heavy silver heart? ... not so much.

The near-identical pink in the lily bouquets do give a "matchy-matchy" effect to the whole ensemble, but not so egregious that it takes away from the look, when executed well (as below).

Miami, that's hot. WB approves.
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