Now. Dissent among the troops is SO uncommon here at WB. I mean, let's face it: celia and I are like Ulysses and Diomedes burning in the same flame in the extreme depths of Dante's hell ... and we LIKE it like that. But every now and then, someone throws a stick in the spokes of our (new) wheels, and this happens:
Alan Maudie photography: what are your thoughts on this?

celia: HATE it.
celia: WHAT? How?
CCB and celia: The green vests! The paisley ties! The green vests and the paisley ties together!
celia: oy
CCB: We COMPLETELY disagree on this one.
celia: I LOVE that we do.
CCB: How could you hate this? It's so fun and fresh and original!
celia: This looks like a crazy-house to me.
CCB: That's precisely what I like about it. My ONLY issue is that maybe it's a little much with all the flowers ... even though the boutonniers are kind of adorable and I'm totally in love with these centerpieces.

celia: Ok. These centerpieces are SUPER cute! The tin planters are the best part. And the boutonniers are solid.
CCB: Alright, so we don't disagree on life yet. Promising.
celia: Phew.
Weigh in today - hate it or love it?
This was a tough call for me. In theory, I love the paisley-vest-boutonniere combination, but in practice I think the palette here makes it fall flat. The colors are just a bit too...somber? bland? similar in tone? I can't quite put my finger on it. The centerpieces are divine, and THOSE colors are perfect: fresh and fun with just the right pop. The men's ensembles look so blah in comparison. I think it's the green that irks me most.