(and no, she is not wearing a cape, and yes, I wondered if that's what that yellow stuff behind her was at first, too. If ONLY it were a cape; it's nothing but a very anti-climactic tablecloth.)
Then I scrolled down (to what unexpectedly became the opposite of a "scroll-down fug"):

And fell a little bit in love.
(The shoes! Oh, the shoes!)
Let's not exaggerate. I'm not thinking about asking this outfit to marry me next month. I have to get to know it a little better before I can take the plunge, but I'm willing to do that, now. I'm willing to get to know it a little bit better, because it showed me that it had a more interesting side: one that is satin and yellow, and full of summer fun!
Everyone (with cute shoes) deserves a second chance.
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