While perusing one of our favorite websites, TIMCHIN Photography & Design everyone at WB were overcome with glee - we finally found a Bride who did (almost) everything right!
celia : oooh stephanie and morris' wedding! i LIKE it! her gown is one of a kind, they say.

CCB: holy jesus, is it ever. LOVE the shoes.

celia: i know! there are feathers on her shoes, bouquet, and even on the groom's boutonniere!

CCB: THIS is a bride who listened to us.
celia: i can't believe it! her dress may be a little "superhero", but i LIKE.

celia: i'm even OK with her veil. and her hair, because the curls look natural.
CCB: agreed. she's generally well-accessorized. she didn't overdo it, but certainly didn't underdo it either.

celia: check out their rings! nice!
CCB: wait. lovers forever? cheese. but cute, i guess.
celia: well the engraving in AWFUL. but i love that they used rose gold!
CCB: also, her gown has pockets. which i don't usually like, but i love how they look with the high-set bracelets!
celia: ooohhh i didn't even notice the pockets!
CCB: you see?
celia: LOVE.
CCB: i knew you would.

celia: what about the bridesmaids? what do you think?
CCB: i like the fact that there are two colours in the scheme. overtly. and done well.
celia: it looks great because it matches, but isn't "matchy-matchy". success! although i wish they had chose a better fabric. one that wouldn't wrinkle as easily.
CCB: maybe it was meant to look wrinkled?
celia: i don't know how i feel about that.
CCB: i like the flowers in the bms' hair.
celia: me too. but i don't like that the green girls' flowers are blue. i wish there was some more green in them.
CCB: i don't mind that so much. i think it's ok. the bm at the far right has really hot shoes.
celia: yes. she looks very put together and the least wrinkled.
CCB: she looks familiar to me. i think maybe i went to elementary school with her. she was a disaster then. but, what do you know at 11 years old?
celia: true. i wore hats all the time at 11. like, inspired by blossom. it was my signature look.
CCB: some things never change.
CCB: i wonder how thrilled the Chins would be if they knew that we had already booked them for our respective weddings. in our brains.
celia: they would be thrilled, i'm sure.
CCB: they seem like nice people.
celia: we would inspire the hell out of them.
CCB: we really would.
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